LTM Essentials – LAB

Most important stuff from the LAB are as follows:

  • floating IP address is the shared IP between F5 cluster
  • tried that setup utility but dont know if I gonna use it ever again
  • backups are easy to handle

Tmos seems to be very good. From root you can execute tmos commands via „tmsh list /net vlan | less“. However if you execute command tmsh, you are then in tmos. From tmos you can ? and list all modules. So if you want to list module network you can just do „list /net vlan | less“ I will write more about tmsh in one of the next articles.

Here are list of commands we learned:

tmsh list /net vlan |less
tmsh list /net self |less
tmsh list /net interface |less
tmsh show /sys license|less
tar –xvzf train1_base.ucs (extract ucs file)