Universal persistence

Included in Local Traffic Managers Universal Inspection Engine (UIE) is a set of functions that you can specify within BIG-IP system iRules to direct traffic in more granular ways. Using these iRule functions, you can write expressions that direct traffic based on content data, or direct traffic to a specific member of a pool.
Universal persistence takes this iRules feature one step further, by allowing you to use the iRule persist uie command to implement persistence for sessions based on content data, or based on connections to a specific member of a pool. Universal persistence does this by defining some sequence of bytes to use as a session identifier.
To use iRule expressions for persistence, a universal persistence profile includes a setting that specifies the name of the iRule containing the expression.

rule my_persist_irule {
when HTTP_REQUEST { persist uie [HTTP::header myheader] }

Universal persistence profile

Default Value
Specifies a unique name for the profile. This setting is required.
No default value
Persistence Type
Specifies the type of persistence. This setting is required.
Match Across Services
Specifies that all persistent connections from a client IP address that go to the same virtual IP address also go to the same node.
Disabled (Cleared)
Match Across Virtual Servers
Specifies that all persistent connections from the same client IP address go to the same node.
Disabled (Cleared)
Match Across Pools
Specifies that the BIG-IP system can use any pool that contains this persistence entry.
Disabled (Cleared)
Specifies the name of an existing iRule that the BIG-IP system should run to determine a persistence entry.
Specifies the duration, in seconds, of a persistence entry. For background information on setting timeout values, see Chapter 1, Introducing BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager.
Possible values are:
Specify: Specifies the number of seconds before the persistence entry expires.
Indefinite: Specifies that the persistence entry does not expires.
Override Connection Limit
Specifies, when checked (enabled), that the system allows you to specify that pool member connection limits are overridden for persisted clients. Per-virtual connection limits remain hard limits and are not overridden.
Disabled (Cleared)