TMOS Shell

TMOS Shell or TMSH is very nice CLI. It is easy to configure and navigate. Below you can find some basic info how to work with tmsh.
Tmos works in modular fashion. You can check list of modules by command show /? Yes „?“ works like in Cisco. The „/“ is the root and modules are like folders in root.
You can go to the module you want by refering its name. For example and for most uses we will need execute commands just in LTM. Via command „ltm“ from tmos root you are there. You can verify that


is displayed at CLI
When you login to cli you are in bash. From bash if you want to execute commands to tmos you have to put before every command „tmsh“. To skip skip this you can go to tmsh via command „tmsh“. This indicates you are in tmos root:


It is important to understand how to use the command syntax based on where you are in the tmsh hierarchy. When you are working in the root module, you enter a command sequence using this syntax:

[command] [module...module] [component] (options)

When you are working in a subordinate module, and you want to configure a component that resides within another module, you enter a command sequence using this syntax:

[command] / [module...module] [component] (options)

For example: If you need to list network vlans from ltm module you have to do it by specifing module „/net“

(tmos.ltm)# list /net vlan

Its like linux. You have to refer absolute path from the ROOT via / to go to another module like another folder.As you navigate within tmsh, the prompt contains a visual cue to your location within the hierarchy.

Configuration of specific element via command LIST

list monitor one-line all-properties !list monitors configuration in one list fashion.
With all-properties attributes you can check default settings for all hiden attributes also
list /net vlan one-line !list vlans configured
list /net self |less !list self IPs
list /net interface one-line !list net interfaces configuration. You can also see MAC address here
show /sys license !list license
tar –xvzf train1_base.ucs (extract ucs file) !extract damn backup

States and statistics via command SHOW

show node all | grep "Ltm\|Available\|State\|Reason\|Monitor\|---" !you quickly check the status of nodes, I grep just for important fields
show pool members | grep "Ltm\|Available\|State\|Reason\|Monitor\|---" !you check the status of pool and its members, I grep just for important fields
show pool all | grep "Ltm\|Available\|State\|Reason\|Monitor\|---" !you quickly check the status of pools, I grep just for important fields
show virtual all | grep Ltm\|Available\|State\|Reason\|Destination\|---" !you quickly check the status of all virtual servers. I grep jsut for important fields