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Redundant pair concept

F5 supports active / standby redundancy. One device is active serving all the traffic request and one is waiting in standby mode for a break in network or active device itself. When two BIG-IP systems are configured in a redundant pair, there are individual settings unique to each device: Hostname (, Unit ID (1,2)  Full Article…

Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Redundant pair concept

Upgrade process

Upgrade process is quite straightforward: Backup standby unit Upgrade standby unit Active system forced to standby Verify upgraded unit works OK Do same steps with other system. Note that no configuration changes should be done while BIG-IP systems are running different versions. Upgrade files You can can download upgrade / hot fixes in askF5 pages.  Full Article…

Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Upgrade process

Failover detection and triggers

To achieve high availability BIG-IP uses failover managers that monitor various parts and services of BIG-IP When failover manager detects failed process, it will do one of several actions which can be configured. It can restart the process, failed to standby mate, reboot. Here are some failover managers: watchdog – performs hardware health check overdog  Full Article…

Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Failover detection and triggers